Jo de Vries Therapy

Conversations with Toublesome Emotions offers an accessible way to explore emotions through immersive visuals and simple tools, making it especially valuable for those who may find expressing their feelings overwhelming or challenging.

It is ideal for:

Teens navigating their emotions

Non-verbal indivuduals or those with Autism

Anyone seeking a clearer understanding of themselves and others

As part of the animal kingdom, we are wired for survival. Through our five senses, we instinctively respond to cues fromn the world, how we then interact with it and how it interacts with us. They keep us safe and let us know if we are threatened in any way. Our emotions then tell us how we FEEL about those cues.

This has become a lost language and this book goes a long way to helping us to reconnect with it. Over the years I have worked with clients, it has saddened me to realse how many people do not know what their emotions mean and I felt it high time to spread the word

I trust you find this an informative, easy to read guide that helps communicate emotions to yourself and others.


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